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লাইফ ইনডোমিট্যাবল ইন দ্য কেজ অব হায়ানাস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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লাইফ ইনডোমিট্যাবল ইন দ্য কেজ অব হায়ানাস (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

In Life Indomitable in the Cage of Hyenas, Montu Khan recounts the brutal ordeal he had to endure at the hands of the Pakistani military during the Liberation War of 1971. A dedicated political activist since his school days, Montu Khan was arrested by the Pakistani Military in May 1971. This narrative tells us about the unbelievable horror he faced in the military camps.
Montu Khan's poignant account reveals the unexpected glimmers of kindness amidst the darkness, as fellow prisoners and even some Pakistani sentries offered compassion during those trying times of barbarous inhumanity. Life Indomitable in the Cage of Hyenas is not only a personal memoir, but rather it delves into the core of humanity, exploring the extremes of cruelty and kindness. It is also a heart- rending account of the horrifying war-crimes that pay tribute to the indomitable spirit of the prisoners and freedom-fighters against the unbearable brutality of the Pakistani Military during the Liberation War of Bangladesh.
With history, politics, and patriotism us its backdrop, this book paints a vivid picture of how individual lives are shattered by rmonal and international upheavals.
Title লাইফ ইনডোমিট্যাবল ইন দ্য কেজ অব হায়ানাস
ISBN 9789845064170
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 175
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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লাইফ ইনডোমিট্যাবল ইন দ্য কেজ অব হায়ানাস

Montu Khan

৳ 494 ৳650.0

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