This book seeks to depict a pen picture of the Holy Quran, its morals, and laws. It gives a brief idea of the Quran and a short biography of the Prophet of Allah and a brief history of the land of Arabia where he flourished. The Quran is replete with a plethora of morals and mentioned few laws. It discusses the origin of Fiqh and development of Islamic jurisprudence, history and the rise and fall of Islamic It highlighted the general principles of Islamic Fiqh and its evolution, summarizes the morals and gives detail accounts of comprehensive moral code, philosophy of unity, mission of the Quran, nature of religious quest, penalties- Hudud, Qisas and Tazir, History of Islamic law and justice, administration of justice, concept of sovereignty in Islam, Islamic international law, Islam's contribution to Europe's debt to Islam, renewal of reform, tasawwuf, origin of Sufism, Islamic movement in India and world at large, battles in Islam, war and peace and the Quran and a trajectory of the mission of Islam from Adam to Muhammad (SM). In short, this book is a comprehensive study on the Quran its morals and laws with glimpses of islamic jurisprudence.