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দ্যা ম্যাজিক অব ফাউন্ডেশান

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দ্যা ম্যাজিক অব ফাউন্ডেশান (Hardcover)

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"The Magic of Foundation "
A few words about the book.
This writer's speech is very relevant and relaxed. His perception is without inertia. She is a very active writer in the field of writing, as a result her store of ideas is quite rich. His writings have been included in the World Book of Anthologies. His first book "The Philosophicus" was registered in the United States National Library. Reading his writings opens up the mind's way of thinking, awakening many things to the sleeping consciousness. His capacity is extensive. Any person tired of daily life will find mental refuge in reading his writings.
The distinguishing feature of his writings is the common sense which easily touches the minds of the masses. His personality permeates the same style of writing. The world of his thoughts is open to the general public. Even in the rain that breaks the clouds of disaster, the magical world can be entered. He excelled in conveying deep meaning in few words in his writings.
Real words tried to reach the heart of the reader in simple, elegant language. In the best words, in the best format, he has discussed in detail in this book in few words. He has received international awards from India and Romania for the excellence and diversity of his subject matter. This book will undoubtedly be useful as a guidebook when the individual is traumatized by direct and indirect attacks. Besides, his writings have been published in national dailies and international English dailies. "The Magic of Foundation" is a book for everyone's collection, an introspective book about the material and sensual ups and downs of human life, mistrust. I wish this writer all the success.
Title দ্যা ম্যাজিক অব ফাউন্ডেশান
ISBN 9789849837640
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 176
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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দ্যা ম্যাজিক অব ফাউন্ডেশান

Mirza Nilufar Jahan

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