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এন্ট্রেপ্রেনেউরিয়াল ব্যাংকিং

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এন্ট্রেপ্রেনেউরিয়াল ব্যাংকিং (Paperback)

A Pathway for Entrepreneurs and Business

TK. 240 TK. 192 You Save TK. 48 (20%)
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Product Specification & Summary

Introduce yourself to an exceptional banking system with Rifat Mahbub Sakib’s enlightening book. It’s called “Entrepreneurial Banking: A Pathway for Entrepreneurs and Business Growth” It’s added a new dimension to traditional banking systems and offers invaluable insights into navigating today’s systems. Sakib is a seasoned banker. His innovative idea about Entrepreneurial Banking can turn traditional baking barriers around. He also combines the concept of ensuring the financial stability of both entrepreneurs and banks, making his book a must-read for startup entrepreneurs and business fans.
In the first topic, Sakib delves into ‘Formulating rules and regulations for the Entrepreneurial Banking System.’ He introduced strong regulations and good compliance. These regulations are standards. They encourage fairness and protect the interests of entrepreneurs and banks. He then shifts focus to “The Role of Technology in Advancing Entrepreneurial Banking for Entrepreneurs.” He navigates through digital advancements to improve how entrepreneurs access and utilize banking services. And where there is innovation, there are risks. It never left his head.
On the following page, he explains “Risk Management Strategies in Entrepreneurial Banking for Entrepreneurs.” In this part, he sheds light on strategies and methods to minimize financial uncertainties. But Sakib doesn’t leave startup entrepreneurs behind. He offers an Interest-Free financing system in his “Facilitating Financial Support for Startups” context. It helps to beat the challenges startups face in traditional banking systems. Sakib works on “Building Partnerships between Bank and Entrepreneurship Support Programs.” He depicts the possible collaborations and mutual benefits between entrepreneurial banks and initiatives that support entrepreneurial development.
He emphasizes the benefits of tailored financial solutions in the following context. “Creating Tailored Financial Solutions for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs).” He introduced some techniques that banks can offer entrepreneurs to take their business further and maintain sustainable growth. Sakib also thinks about the women entrepreneurs in his “Empowering Women Entrepreneurs through Entrepreneurial Banking.” He shows how women entrepreneurs face barriers like access to finance, resources, and networks. He highlights how Entrepreneurial Banking opens opportunities and ways for women entrepreneurs.
Keep in mind this journey is just the beginning. Sakib’s book is more than just a manual. Every business journey encounters its share of challenges. Sakib’s offering is far-reaching. He focuses:
● Promoting Socially Responsible Investing in Business Development.
● Nurturing Entrepreneurial Ecosystems through Ethical Banking Practices.
● Challenges and Opportunities in the Future of Entrepreneurial Banking.
Title এন্ট্রেপ্রেনেউরিয়াল ব্যাংকিং
ISBN 9789849847731
Edition 1st Edition, 2024
Number of Pages 80
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এন্ট্রেপ্রেনেউরিয়াল ব্যাংকিং

Rifat Mahbub Sakib

৳ 192 ৳240.0

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