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ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট image

ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট (Paperback)

Roger Moody

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ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট (Paperback)

TK. 150 TK. 123 You Save TK. 27 (18%)
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Product Specification & Summary

There is no lack of evidence to show how natural resources have become curse for peripheral countries and the people. Corporate grabbing, imperial power structure and global alliance for making super profit at the cost of people and nature make people and nature in peripheral countries highly vulnerable. Bangladesh is no exception. It is already clear that because of production sharing contracts with multinational corporations, its natural gas resources have already become a source of danger and continuous leakage and corruption. Phulbari coal project is the latest addition in Bangladesh experience. People of Phulbari and of the country in general, resisted the project and shed their lives to prevent it. Because of peoples resistance the project attracted global attention and many experts and activist groups came forward to understand the disastrous nature of the project and to express their solidarity with the people. This is a compilation of two critical studies that show the extent of anti people and anti environment nature of the project.
Title ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট
ISBN 9847004600123
Edition 1st Published, 2008
Number of Pages 96
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ফুলবাড়ি কোল প্রজেক্ট

Roger Moody

৳ 123 ৳150.0

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