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এ স্টাডি অব মিলিটারি ম্যানেজমেন্ট

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এ স্টাডি অব মিলিটারি ম্যানেজমেন্ট (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

This book is a compilation of few articles on various matters. Some of this deal with current issues, while others deal with major leadership and combat factors. Most of these essays are highly informative and thought provoking also provide future guidance. 'Man management - The Prime business of a military leader' highlights the importance of Man management and how it is to be done before, during and after the battle. challenges 'Current and leadership measures to face them' discusses the common challenges a military leader faces in this new century and millenium.
Also some measures to combat them have been discussed. and 'Managing infantry Battalion in counter insurgency environment' is written on the basis of personal practical experience knowledge of the writer during his several tour of duty in hill terrain of chittagong Hill Tracts. In this easy mainly the major problems of commanding an infantry battalion have been identified and discussed. Also some recommendations have been made to overcome the problems. 'Stress management' analyses the various causes of stress and provides some guideline to cope up with the stress. 'Leading by personal example' emphasizes the importance of demonstrating personal example by the military leaders. 'Discipline in the Army' identifies the reason for violation of Discipline in the armed forces.
Title এ স্টাডি অব মিলিটারি ম্যানেজমেন্ট
ISBN 9848193730
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 160
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ স্টাডি অব মিলিটারি ম্যানেজমেন্ট

Brigadier General H R M Rokan Uddin PSC

৳ 320 ৳400.0

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