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নিউ ওয়েলফেয়ার স্টেট থিংকিং

Shakil Ahmed

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নিউ ওয়েলফেয়ার স্টেট থিংকিং

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নিউ ওয়েলফেয়ার স্টেট থিংকিং

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Product Specification & Summary

Bangladesh is a small country. But it is possible. India surrounds us, so maintaining our friendship with India is essential. However, if this friendship is only one-way, it conflicts with the independence of Bangladesh. Successive rulers must be wise - foreign policy and ideals must be clear. Electing a wise ruler is a tough test for the people of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh's development partners should maintain cordial relations with all the countries, and the new government should also maintain cordial relations with the people. It should be remembered that power is the deposit given by the creator, the people are the source of power. So the one who respects the power will be successful and the one who uses the power for his own interests will soon be humiliated and deposed.
Title নিউ ওয়েলফেয়ার স্টেট থিংকিং
Edition 1st Edition, 2024
Number of Pages 37
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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নিউ ওয়েলফেয়ার স্টেট থিংকিং

Shakil Ahmed

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