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The Origin of The Musalmans of Bengal

চলবে ২১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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The Origin of The Musalmans of Bengal (Hardcover)

Translation of Haqiqate Musalman-i-bengalah

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Product Specification & Summary

In this book Khondkar Fuzli Rubbee takes an attempt to find out the cause of the preponderance of the muslim population of Bengal, as per the Census of 1891 and to trace their origin. In this regard he commenced diligent search among the pages of the histories, chronicles of Bengal and other authentic sources. He successfully proved that the majority musalmans of Bengal were the descendents of the previous Muslim rulers of Bengal and Delhi who reigned over from 1203 to 1764 C.E. And they didnot come to the fold of Islam by force. His sober but forceful arguments based on facts, figures and documents made the book unique. Khondkar Fuzli Rubbee (1848-1917) : A great thinker, a renowned scholar and a prolific writer on social, political and cultural history of greater Bengal. He was born in Murshidabad. Fuzli Rubbee was adept in Persian and English Language. He wrote three books on the social, political and cultural history of greater Bengal. He was awarded with the title of Khan Bahadur by the then British Government. Translator : Mohammad Hasan Sharif: A Journalist, born in Dhaka. Higher Education in Statistics. Being interested in history and literature he has several books to his credit.
Title The Origin of The Musalmans of Bengal
ISBN 9789842006838
Edition 1st Published, 1895
Number of Pages 240
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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