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ক্র্যাকল্যান্ড স্লাইস-৩ (Paperback)

Abrar Zahin

Total: TK. 99

ক্র্যাকল্যান্ড স্লাইস-৩

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ক্র্যাকল্যান্ড স্লাইস-৩ (Paperback)

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Summary or Description: In Crackland, tensions rise when Lucy's community discovers Philip's true identity as the son of their enemy. Susie Tierson, the leader, orders Lucy's imprisonment for aiding "the other sider." As Philip and Abett struggle to prove their innocence, a dark force looms. Brome the Bonesaw, a brutal tyrant, demands Philip be handed over, threatening to destroy everything the Tiersons have fought to protect. With mysterious powers backing Brome, the stakes have never been higher. Can the Tiersons defend their community, or will Philip fall into the hands of a greater evil? The fate of Crackland hangs in the balance. Summary or Description: In Crackland, tensions rise when Lucy's community discovers Philip's true identity as the son of their enemy. Susie Tierson, the leader, orders Lucy's imprisonment for aiding "the other sider." As Philip and Abett struggle to prove their innocence, a dark force looms. Brome the Bonesaw, a brutal tyrant, demands Philip be handed over, threatening to destroy everything the Tiersons have fought to protect. With mysterious powers backing Brome, the stakes have never been higher. Can the Tiersons defend their community, or will Philip fall into the hands of a greater evil? The fate of Crackland hangs in the balance.
Title ক্র্যাকল্যান্ড স্লাইস-৩
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 64
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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ক্র্যাকল্যান্ড স্লাইস-৩

Abrar Zahin

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