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অনন্যা (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Ananya is a girl of a Hindue family who was found out from the mass- execution at Chuknagar during the liberation war in 1971. The baby was trying to suckle from it’s dead mother.Moslem went to look for his father and found out the baby. The father rose in him. He took the baby home and brought her up with his own children. Not only that,being a Muslim he brought her up according to Hindu culture. He also gave her marriage with a Hindu young man. Like other children Ananya knew Moslem and Mannujan as her parents.One day Moslem told Ananya the truth that they were not her actual parents.
His truthfulness and love made him an angle. When Ananya came to know that she was a Hindu by birth, she did not want to leave the parents who brought her up with great love and affection. Ananya loved her brother’s friend Shuvo and married him. Anany’s real father losing all his relatives remained near the place of mass-excution like a mad man. He passed his every night at that place where he lost his nearest and dearest persons. He got back his lost daughter in the family of Moslem. Thinking her future he did not introduce himself before her. But the blood connection continuously attracted him. A lump of prosada from his daughter became like the prosada offered to god to him.
Nuruddin , a mischievious person leaving his village came to town and began to live there. He was a lustful person. He engaged himself with lustful activities. Having fallen in danger he had to marry and take shelter at the house of his father-in-law. He joined the jamayat party and then the Rajaker battalion. He looted all the things from the Hindu families. Ananya is a novel of such a story. I hope that the book will become favourite to you.
Title অনন্যা
ISBN 9789849839996
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 80
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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