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গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট image

গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট (Paperback)

Dr. Afroza Begum

TK. 350 Total: TK. 287
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গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

The study leading to this publication was conducted to obtain an overview of the Government of Bangladesh policies regarding the Non governmental organization (NGOs) engaged in development; to examine the existing modalities o collaboration between the government and the NGOs; and to see whether those models were viable . It also aims at making an assessment of the strengths and weakness of those models in fulfilling the development needs of Bangladesh.
'Development Administration' and 'Development Management' are explained as different approaches; the structure and process of development management in Bangladesh is also presented. Moreover, the book elaborates on the institution building and its major features within the broad framework of development management. Attempts are made to define and categories the NGOs. The book also explains the institutional strategies of the NGOs and presents different view on the possible relationships between the government and the NGOs. IN this context, it shows the genesis, function, strengths and weaknesses of the NGOs both the global and at the national levels. Views and debate on he role of the discussed. Government -NGO collaboration projects, existing legal framework as well as strengths and weaknesses of collaborative programs are also covered.
Title গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট
ISBN 984836000x
Edition ১ম প্রকাশ, ২০১৭, পূণ:মুদ্রণ ২০২৩
Number of Pages 162
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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গর্ভনমেন্ট - এনজিও ইনটারফেজ ইন ডেভেলফমেন্ট মেনেজম্যান্ট

Dr. Afroza Begum

৳ 287 ৳350.0

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