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আনলিশ দ্যা পাওয়ার অব হিলিং (Hardcover)

Dr. Masbah Uddin

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আনলিশ দ্যা পাওয়ার অব হিলিং

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আনলিশ দ্যা পাওয়ার অব হিলিং (Hardcover)

Ultimate Guide to Decode Your Mind and Accelerate Inner Healing towards Wellness

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Product Specification & Summary

This book is all about helping you realize that you have amazing resources within you that can heal you from within. It's about boosting your self-belief so that you can transform your life like never before. This book encourages you to take action and do whatever it takes to become the best version of yourself. It provides you with simple and effective tools to help you get rid of unwanted patterns and redesign your life with holistic wellness. I have provided a step-by-step formula to know how our mind creates diseases in our lives and how stress deteriorates our health and life like a silent killer, and I have revealed some simple, proven techniques to eliminate such kinds of stress.
Our beliefs are deep-rooted, and our minds are programmed by our parents, family, relatives, neighbors, school and college, friends, society, religion, movies, advertisements, news, and social media. Here, the majority of us are surrounded by limiting belief systems that result in unproductive mental programming. Programming refers to a code that generates a particular result.
By reading this book, you will be able to figure out the root cause of your illness and decode your mental pattern by eliminating limiting beliefs and replacing them with empowering ones. You will also be able to break the pattern of procrastination and overthinking, overcome neural resistance, and apply strategies to heal toxic relationships and digital addiction that are the main barriers to our personal as well as professional growth. You will learn about positive resources that will help you become the master of your emotions, which is the cornerstone of a holistic life.
Finally, you will be able to achieve optimal positive health and joy and embrace the true happiness of your life. These are all possible only by decoding your mind and unleashing the power of healing within you.
Title আনলিশ দ্যা পাওয়ার অব হিলিং
ISBN 9789390761845
Edition 2nd Edition, 2024
Number of Pages 150
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আনলিশ দ্যা পাওয়ার অব হিলিং

Dr. Masbah Uddin

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