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শামায়েলে তিরমিজি

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শামায়েলে তিরমিজি (হার্ডকভার)

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শাময়েলে তিরমিজি (Shama'il al-Muhammadiyya)

from Hazrat'Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) that when he described the attributes of the Hazrat Nabi (may the blessings of Allah and peace be upon him), he said: "He was not too tall, nor was he too short, he was of medium height amongst the nation. His hair was not short and curly, nor was it lank, it would hang down in waves. His face was not overly plump, nor was it fleshy, yet it was somewhat circular. His complexion was rosy white. His eyes were large and black, and his eyelashes were long. He was large-boned and broadshouldered. His torso was hairless except for a thin line that stretched down his chest to his belly. His hands and feet were rather large. When he walked, he would lean forward as if going down a slope. When he looked at someone, he would turn his entire body towards him. Between his two shoulders was the Seal of Nabouati or Prophethood, and he was the last of the Nabi

Title শামায়েলে তিরমিজি
ISBN 9789843415370
Edition 1st Published, 2024
Number of Pages 320
Country Bangladesh
Language Bangla & Arabic

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