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Build an Epic Career

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Build an Epic Career (Hardcover)

TK. 900

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The world has changed. But the guides on career haven’t.
The reality is that schools and families don’t adequately prepare us for the real world. Then, how do we build a career that has money, growth, fulfilment, and purpose―now and forever?
Written with Gen Z and Millennials in mind, this book covers everything you need to take charge of your professional life. After the success of bestsellers like Do Epic Shit, Get Epic Shit Done and Make Epic Money, Warikoo’s EPIC Careers helps determine what success looks like for YOU, keeping in mind one simple question: What will make you build a truly EPIC career? A must-have for anyone entering their 20s!
Title Build an Epic Career
ISBN 9780670099825
Edition Edition, 2025
Number of Pages 272
Country India
Language English

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Build an Epic Career

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