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আরবান ক্রাইম অ্যান্ড ভায়লেন্স ইন ঢাকা

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আরবান ক্রাইম অ্যান্ড ভায়লেন্স ইন ঢাকা

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Product Specification & Summary

ফ্ল্যাপে লিখা কথা
Based on extensive field investigations as well as analysis of secondary data, Urban Crime and Violence in Dhaka presents the result of a study carried out on urban crime and violence in public places of the metropolis.

It focuses on the types of crimes that occur in it and throws light on the reasons behind the criminal activities that take place in Dhaka.

The book aims to identify the victims as well as the perpetrators of crime and highlights trends and types of crime and violence affecting the people of the city. It reveals the nexus between crime and violence and the socio-economic situation of Dhaka city.

The study concludes with a set of recommendations for all authorities concerned so that they can provide safer spaces for its residents through formulation of policies that will help reduce crime and violence.

* Outline of the study
* Crime and Violence in Dhaka City
* Secondary information and Typology
* Household Survey
* Street Survey
* Observation of Public Spaces
* Summary of Findings of Surveys and Observation of Public Places
* Focus Group Discussion
* Urban Crime and Violence as a Development Issue : Exploring the Links between Urban Poverty, Inequality and Social Disorders.
* Recommendations about Tackling Urban Crime and Violence in Dhaka City.
Title আরবান ক্রাইম অ্যান্ড ভায়লেন্স ইন ঢাকা
ISBN 9789845060097
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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আরবান ক্রাইম অ্যান্ড ভায়লেন্স ইন ঢাকা

Salma A Shafi

৳ 441 ৳500.0

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