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Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal (Hardcover)

Willem Van Schendel

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Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal

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Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal (Hardcover)

His Journey to Chittagong, the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Noakhali and Comilla

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Product Specification & Summary

The development history of Bangladesh is marked by fluctuations, turn-abouts, and decelerations. To understand these complex dynamics of social and economic change towards finding solutions, we need to dig for historical knowledge. Francis Buchanan's account is the earliest and the most significant source of new information of 18th Century Bengal, Arakan, Tripura, Cachar, Manipur, Mizoram and Burma (Myanmar). It provides unique information on Southeastern Bengal in particular and further regions to the South and East in general and is a good example of how Europeans collected knowledge of the wider world and what views they held. It contains information on rural economy, social life and ethnic relations, and above all of the British imperial policy in the region. Although Buchanan's account is presented as a travel diary, it is the diary of a disciplined traveller and is thus seen to represent a genre. His surveys are of far more than antiquarian intere
Title Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal
ISBN 9789840511921
Edition ৪র্থ সংস্করণ, ২০২৪
Number of Pages 250
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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Francis Buchanan in Southeast Bengal

Willem Van Schendel

৳ 396 ৳450.0

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