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শতবর্ষের পথিক (হার্ডকভার)

সাহাদাত পারভেজ

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শতবর্ষের পথিক

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শতবর্ষের পথিক (হার্ডকভার)

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As a young man with wanderlust, Momin Ali Mirdha traveled to distant places such as Dimapur, Kohima, Manipur, Meghalaya and Imphal in eastern Assam. The World War II broke out when he was young. Many years have elapsed since then but the hundred-year-old traveler lives to enjoy the beauty and diversity of the earth. Within these hundred years, he has come to be known as Dadu (grand-father), with all his youthful memories now mired in the past. His legendary status as Dadu has quite an interesting background. He has earned this endearing term by virtue of his love for every living thing. The hundred years he has lived are all but an insignificant fraction of the time the world has seen. Still for humans, this is a long time. He is witness to many of the landmark events of the twentieth-century history. In addition to the World War II, the ever-youthful Mridha has seen the Partition of India in 1947, the Language Movement of 1952, the Mass Uprising of 1969, the War of Independence in 1971 and the Movement against
Title শতবর্ষের পথিক
ISBN 9789847760278
Edition 1st Published, 2012
Country Bangladesh
Language Bangla & English

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শতবর্ষের পথিক

সাহাদাত পারভেজ

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