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কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস image

কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস (Hardcover)

Dr. Mohammad Lutfor Rahman

TK. 400 Total: TK. 312
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কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস (Hardcover)

8 Ratings  |  3 Reviews

TK. 400 TK. 312 You Save TK. 88 (22%)
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Product Specification & Summary

"Computer Fundamentals" Taken from the preface of the book:
Computer Fundamentals, intended for first level bachelor's course, covers introductory topics on computer, its organisation and applications. The important features of the book include complete coverage with unnecessary detail, easy and friendly style and practical orientation. The book offers just what the users need to know. The text presents information on microcomputers, which includes history, generations and organisation of microcomputers, computer hardware and software. It also covers topics on information and communication technology (ICT) and some of its modern applications, selection of computers and social impact of computers.
The primary goal, in presenting information, is to reach students by making presentations as clear, relevant and interesting as possible. The book is organised in a self learning style and the chapters are divided as lessons with objectives at the beginning and different categories of questions at the end for testing the outcome of reading the lesson.
The book is suitable for a 3-credit course on computer fundaments for bachelor's program in computer science/engineering, information and communication technology/engineering, and electronic and electrical engineering. The book can also be used for bachelor's program in all other branches of science and engineering. Presently business and commerce are the very important areas of applications of computers, and information and communication technology and the book is suitable for the 3-credit foundation course for bachelor's programs in business studies, e-commerce, management information systems business information technology, financial engineering etc.
Title কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস
ISBN 9789848980538
Edition 11th Printed, 2016
Number of Pages 354
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কম্পিউটার ফান্ডমেন্টালস

Dr. Mohammad Lutfor Rahman

৳ 312 ৳400.0

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