Financial Markets and Institutions

1০st Edition, 2010


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Financial Markets and Institutions (Paperback)

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Book Summary of Financial Markets and Institutions [With Coupons]
With its proven conceptual framework and clear presentation, FINANCIAL MARKETS AND INSTITUTIONS, Abridged Ninth Edition (with Stock-Trak coupon), can help you understand why financial markets exist, how financial institutions serve those markets, and the various services those institutions offer. In describing each type of market, the text emphasizes the securities traded in that market and how financial institutions participate in it, while descriptions of financial institutions focus on their management, performance, regulatory aspects, use of financial markets, and sources and uses of funds. Following the introduction of key financial markets and institutions, the text explores the functions of the Federal Reserve System, the major debt security markets, equity security markets, and the derivative security market. Continuing a strong tradition of timely examples and practical applications, the Abridged Ninth Edition includes extensive updates on the global financial and credit crisis, revised questions and exercises, and new WALL STREET JOURNAL features. In addition, integrated learning tools such as chapter summaries, learning objectives, Internet exercises, special coverage of global financial issues, point/counterpoint discussions of controversial topics, and features to help you interpret current financial news reinforce key concepts and make it easier for you to master the material and succeed in class.
Title Financial Markets and Institutions
ISBN 9788131509791
Edition 1০st Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 650
Country India
Language English

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Financial Markets and Institutions

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