Operations and Supply Management (With DVD) The 12th International Edition of the book has a supply chain focus as compared to the 11th edition book, where the focus is competitiveness. The changed focus is prudent due to considerable interest of contemporary Operations Managers in Supply Chain activities. Therefore, in India too, fresh adaptation of this book is urgently needed with a coherent focus and Indian cases/examples. The revision of Special Indian edition is aimed at catering to the present and future needs of Indian business environment. While retaining the original framework and flavour of the book, relevant India specific content has been added in the form of cases, examples and boxed items keeping in mind the requirements of Indian students and faculty. Salient Features • Study of topics like Supply Chain Management, Six Sigma, and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems • Global perspective for many of the topics • Cross-functional integration • Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Human Resources Management, Purchasing, Logistics, and Engineering impact how firms are run operationally