Endocrine Pathology: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances

1st Edition, 2003


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Endocrine Pathology: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

Endocrine Pathology:: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances
A comprehensive review of recent molecular discoveries that can clarify the pathophysiology of endocrine disease processes and contribute to the diagnostic aspects of endocrine pathology. Surgeons, medical oncologists, and radiation therapists discuss the treatment of endocrine disorders, especially tumors, with emphasis on differential diagnosis and on broadening the perspective that the endocrine pathologist must have in making specific tissue diagnoses. Of interest to practicing pathologists, pathology residents, endocrinologists, endocrinologists in training, veterinarians, and interested researchers.
Title Endocrine Pathology: Differential Diagnosis and Molecular Advances
ISBN 9781588292087
Edition 1st Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 433
Country India
Language English

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