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কলিন্স কোবির্ল্ড এ্যাডভান্সড ইলাট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী (উইথ অডিও সিডি)

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কলিন্স কোবির্ল্ড এ্যাডভান্সড ইলাট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী (উইথ অডিও সিডি)

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Collins Cobuild Advanced Learner's English Dictionary [With CD (Audio)]
In its attractive two-colour layout, the fifth edition of the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner′s English Dictionary offers learners of English detailed coverage of today′s language. With lots of new words and phrases and definitions written in simple, natural English, this dictionary is exceptionally easy to use and understand. The examples, which have all been taken from the Bank of English, part of the prestigious Collins Word Web, are invaluable in providing context for words and phrases. Grammatical information and additional information on synonyms, pragmatics and frequency is shown in the Extra Column, making it easy to find and use.
In the Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner′s English Dictionary, thousands of set grammatical structures, particularly useful to learners of English, are identified and highlighted. useful illustrations cover a range of topics, and the Access to English supplement helps the user with hundreds of practical phrases illustrating important structures in areas such as essay-writing, presentations, report-writing and job applications.
The Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner′s English Dictionary provides invaluable and detailed guidance on the English language, and is the complete reference tool for learners of English.
The CD-ROM is PC compatible and contains:
• Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner′s English Dictionary
• 5 million word Wordbank of authentic text samples (written and spoken), with high quality audio pronunciations for headwords, phrases, derived words and inflected forms.
Title কলিন্স কোবির্ল্ড এ্যাডভান্সড ইলাট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী (উইথ অডিও সিডি)
Country Abroad
Language English

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কলিন্স কোবির্ল্ড এ্যাডভান্সড ইলাট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী (উইথ অডিও সিডি)


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