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কলিন্স কোবিল্ড লার্নার’স ইলাস্ট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী

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কলিন্স কোবিল্ড লার্নার’স ইলাস্ট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী

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Product Specification & Summary

Collins Cobuild Learner's Illustrated Dictionary
The COnfidence BUILDing dictionary so user friendly that you can read it like a book.
The Collins COBUILD Learner's Illustrated Dictionary transforms the regular dictionary from an occasional reference into the ultimate resource. The main features are:
VOCABULARY BUILDERS: These features do not just aid and encourage students to use the words they learn; they also let them explore lexical chains by looking up related words. These chains give them all the vocabulary they need to write an essay on a given topic. These are:
Word Partnership Shows common collocations
Word Link Shows how words are related to one another
Word Web Presents related words in context
Thesaurus Helps expand the learner's vocabulary
Usage Provides depth to the meaning of words
Picture Dictionary Illustrates vocabulary by topic
EASY TO UNDERSTAND NATURAL ENGLISH: Full-sentence examples from the Bank of EnglishTM (corpus) illustrate how words are used in everyday life and demonstrate how words should be used. FULL-SENTENCE
DEFINITIONS: Definitions explain the meanings of words in their natural context and provide information on usage.
LITERARY TERMS supplements include words and phrases from the classics, like the works by Shakespeare
EASY-TO- LOOK UP features highlight words often occurring together and a Frequency System shows common words. Have full-colour pictures and photographs. Interactive CD included.
EXERCISES enhance dictionary skills and help to understand the features.
The dictionary has over 37,000 bold references and 26,000 senses.
Title কলিন্স কোবিল্ড লার্নার’স ইলাস্ট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী
ISBN 9780007341139
Country Abroad
Language English

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কলিন্স কোবিল্ড লার্নার’স ইলাস্ট্রেটেড ডিকশনারী


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