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এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ image

এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ (Paperback)

Professor S M Amanullah

TK. 225 Total: TK. 169
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এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ (Paperback)

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TK. 225 TK. 169 You Save TK. 56 (25%)
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Product Specification & Summary

A Guide to Correct Speech is essentially a book on English phonetics and phonology. It, in fact, epitomizes the author's close and long observations (from professional and research perspective) of the speech habits of the young promising students of our country. It provides a systematic and thorough introduction to the pronunciation of English to help intermediate and more advanced students improve their production of the spoken language. The book besides dealing with the basics of phonetic lessons/usages contains 2550 Active English Vocabulary though quite widely used but most commonly mispronounced/incorrectly articulated in daily speech. The difference between British and American Pronunciations, the General Rules of English Pronunciation and Pronunciation Practice in Compact Disc (CD) also feature prominently in the book. The book, as it stands, is admirably clear in its mission and offers a guide to those non-native speakers/learners especially Bangla speaking tongues (Bangalees) who look forward to picking up a correct or standard speech habit in English in their academic as well as day-to-day purposes/needs. Since its publication in 1993, it has become widely used in universities and other institutes of higher education including the services academies of our country. The book is, as such, well worth possessing towards improving English pronunciation and gaining speech excellence in the language.
Title এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ
ISBN 9847002100014
Edition Reprint, 2018
Number of Pages 213
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ গাইড টু কারেক্ট স্পীচ

Professor S M Amanullah

৳ 169 ৳225.0

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