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ট্রপিক্যাল রুট এন্ড টিউবার ক্রপস

IST Edition, 2006


চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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ট্রপিক্যাল রুট এন্ড টিউবার ক্রপস (Hardcover)

TK. 1,070

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

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Product Specification & Summary

Table of Contents
Section I - Cassava (Manihot Spp.): 1. Cassava (Manihot spp.), 2. Origin and Geographical Distribution (Manihot spp.), 3. Cassava: Botany, 4. Cassava: Cytogenetics, 5. Cassava: Improvement Strategy, 6. Cassava: Physiology, 7. Cassava: Microbial System, 8. Cassava: Climate and Soil, 9. Cassava: Agro-Techniques, 10. Cassava: Water Management, 11. Cassava: Based Cropping System, 12. Cassava: Harvesting and Yield, 13. Cassava: Area, Production and Productivity, 14. Cassava: Diseases, 15. Cassava: Pests, 16. Cassava: Composition of Tuber and Leaf, 17. Cassava: Toxic Principles - Cyanogenic Glucoside, 18. Cassava: Utilization of Tapioca, 19. Cassava: Post-Harvest Deterioration, Preservation and Shelf-Life, 20. Cassava: Marketing and Trade, 21. Cassava: Selected References, Section II - Sweet Potato: 1. Sweet Potato: Introduction, 2. Sweet Potato: Botany, 3. Sweet Potato: Cytogenetics, 4. Sweet Potato: Improvement Strategy, 5. Sweet Potato: Physiology, 6. Sweet Potato: Climate and Soil, 7. Sweet Potato: Agro-Techniques, 8. Sweet Potato: Area, Production and Productivity, 9. Sweet Potato: Diseases, 10. Sweet Potato: Pests, 11. Sweet Potato: Composition of Tubers, Section III - Aroids: 1. Aroids: Introduction, 2. Coco-Yams: Botany, 3. Coco-Yams: Cytogenetics, 4. Coco-Yams: Improvement Strategy, 5. Coco-Yams: Climate and Soil, 6. Coco-Yams: Agro-Techniques, 7. Aroids: Area, Production and Productivity, 8. Aroids: Diseases, 9. Aroids: Pests, 10. Coco-Yams: Composition and Utilization, 11. Elephant-Food-Yam (Amorphophallus campanulatu (Roxb.) Blume), 12. Eleplant-Foot-Yam: Agro-Techniques, 13. Amorphophallus: Diseases, 14. Amophophallus: Pests, 15. Amorphophallus: Harvest and Yield, 16. Amorphophallus: Chemical Composition, Section IV - Yams (Dioscorea Spp.): 1. Yams (Dioscorea spp.), 2. Yams: Botany, 3. Yams: Cytogenetics, 4. Descriptors for Dioscorea alata, 5. Yams: Climate and Soil, 6. Yams: Agro-Techniques, 7. Yams: World Area, Production and Productivity, 8. Yams: Diseases, 9. Yam: Pests, 10. Yams: Chemical Composition, 11. Yams: Utilisation, 12. Yam: Problems of Production, Section V - Minor Tuber Crops: 1. Minor Tuber Crops, 2. Coleus: Agro-Techniques, References
Title ট্রপিক্যাল রুট এন্ড টিউবার ক্রপস
ISBN 9788177541991
Edition IST Edition, 2006
Number of Pages 384
Country India
Language English

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ট্রপিক্যাল রুট এন্ড টিউবার ক্রপস

R C Mandal

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