ফরেস্টস, ইনভাইরনমেন্ট এন্ড ম্যান

1st, 2002

ফরেস্টস, ইনভাইরনমেন্ট এন্ড ম্যান (Hardcover)

TK. 1,790

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।


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Product Specification & Summary

The book aims at enumerating some important multi-faceted values and qualities of forests related to environment and interaction with man. The readers will have a clear conception of forest cover and various relevant issues relating to the density and vegetation related subjects. In fact all the thirteen chapters selected by the author pertain to his life-long observatons and studies. Conservation aspects, resources of flora and fauna, Himalayan panorama, wetland, temperate hills, tropical hill and mangrove flora have formed apart of it. Perilous conditions of land and faunal degradation, the tribal scenario of the country and various hazards in their abode have been enumerated. The role of trees in ameliorating environmental pollution and green-house effect have been discussed clearly in short. India's dying landscape due to land degradation and various biotic impacts and wetland also been brought to the sphere of discussions. In short the readers will find a short but clear scenario of forest and land of this country which face a disaster.

Table of Contents
* Chapter 1: Forest Covert and Environmental Issues
* Forest cover in Tribal district
* Chapter 2: Nature and Forests
* Tropical forests environment
* A nature explorer's qualities
* Nature and forests
* Forests create environment
* Rhythm and rhythmicity in forests
* Forests and environment
* Chapter 3: Forests, Environment and Man: Multifaceted Synergic Qualities and Values
* The trinity of environment: The roles of trees, Shrubs and herbs, Herb and shrub environment, Status of shrubby vegetation in India, Environmental values of trees
* Chapter 4: Tropical Forests and Resources Bananza
* Bioecological rhythm and resource bonanza, Conservation of mangrove forests for human welfare, Climatic influence of forests
* Chapter 5: Environment and Ecology of the Himalayas
* Himalayan environmental panorama, Singalila forests of Sikkim-Darjeeling: A part of eastern Himalayan a megadiversity and hot spots rich region, Conservation of Sikkim-Darjeeling Himalayas: Ornithological (Birds) bonanza in nature's museum
* Chapter 6: Environment in Tribal Areas
* Environmental pollution in tribal belts in the forests, Environmental hazards in tribal areas, Social forestry in tribal area, Law of the jungles, Tribals and forest policy, Tribals and animals
* Chapter 7: Environmental Pollution: Role of Trees
* Tree as pollution scavenger and manipulator of environment, Trees for environmental amelioration: Greenhouse effect, Plants and air pollution
* Chapter 8: Plants for Recreation and Environmental Ethics
* Floral environment, Recreational and aesthetic values of plants, Ecological role of forests
* Chapter 9: Perilous Landuse and Environmental Crisis
* Some expert's observations, Is India a dying landscape? Terrible state of land threat, India faces an imminent landuse calamity and disastrous future, Population pressure:It's effect on forests, Resources and environment, Recession of forest cover
* Chapter 10: Wetland Environment, Resources and Biotic Impacts
* Wetland scenario in a land of megadiversity and hot spots
* Wetland, Other aquatic resources, Pollution of wetland: A carcinogenous issue, Wetland fauna, Wetland snakes, Wetland ornithofauna (*indicates high population), Endangered aquatic (Wetland) habitat
* Chapter 11: Mines and Forest Degradation
* Chapter 12: Medicinal Plant Resources Face Environmental Crisis
* Environmental resources, Threats and crisis
* Chapter 13: Conservation of Wildlife in India: Resources
Title ফরেস্টস, ইনভাইরনমেন্ট এন্ড ম্যান
ISBN 9788170354420
Edition 1st, 2002
Number of Pages 303
Country India
Language English

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ফরেস্টস, ইনভাইরনমেন্ট এন্ড ম্যান

A B Chaudhuri

৳ 1,790 ৳1790.0

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