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কনসিস ডিকশনারী অব ফিশারিজ এন্ড ইনভিরনমেন্টাল সায়েন্স

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কনসিস ডিকশনারী অব ফিশারিজ এন্ড ইনভিরনমেন্টাল সায়েন্স

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Author info
Mohammad Mamun Chowdhury is a prominent fisheries expert and has been teaching fisheries for last 10 years at Department of Fisheries, University of Dhaka and now serving as an Associate Professor at the same institution. He was also a visiting scholar for the course “Networking and Seminars” at Ghent University and delivered lectures for VLIR and EUMAINE students on “Vertebrate Parasitic Nematodes” in 2011. He achieved “Teaching Award” for the course “Aquaculture Engineering” from DFIK (UK). As a fisheries expert he has been involved in several projects related to aquatic ecology, fish genetics and fish pathology in Bangladesh. Recently he obtained M S in Nematology (Natural Science Group) from University of Ghent under Erasmus Mundus scholarship scheme and became the first free-living nematode expert in Bangladesh. It is mentionable that, free-living nematodes are now widely used as indicator for pollution and climate change. Besides many national and international publications to his credit, he is a contributor author in “Encyclopedia of Flora and Fauna of Bangladesh”. He is also involved with several social and cultural organizations and a “The Duke of Edinburgh's Award” Leader.

Book info
Recently in Bangladesh, Fisheries department and Environmental Science department are opening in new and old universities but it is a matter of great regret that there is a lack of good dictionary in Fisheries and Environmental Science which would meet the demand of university students and teachers. With a view to produce a high quality dictionary in multi-disciplinary and integrated subjects like Fisheries and Environmental Science, “Concise Dictionary of Fisheries and Environmental Science” has been published. The dictionary covers the field of Fisheries and Environmental Science in a concise, clear, authoritative, up-to-date manner, addressing the need for understanding and accurate use of terms, particularly when communicating scientific information. The concise version contains around 5,000 entries and the aim has been to produce a concise version that meets the day-to-day needs of university students, teachers and professionals working in the field of Fisheries and Environmental Science. As both Fisheries and Environmental Science are multi-disciplinary subjects, this book intend to cover the whole area of Fisheries, Zoology, Ecology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physics, Physiology, Limnology, Oceanography, Microbiology, Parasitology, Genetics, Geography, Soil Science, Economics, Sociology, Extension, Resource Management and Engineering. Users will find that the “terms” in this book is used in every class, seminar, symposium, conference and workshop. In a nutshell, whoever interested in Fisheries and Environmental Science would find this book very useful and I hope it would become a frequently consulted, informative, practical guide to the subjects. The success of my efforts is, of course, for users to determine and I would appreciate any comments that might help me to improve future editions.
Title কনসিস ডিকশনারী অব ফিশারিজ এন্ড ইনভিরনমেন্টাল সায়েন্স
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কনসিস ডিকশনারী অব ফিশারিজ এন্ড ইনভিরনমেন্টাল সায়েন্স

Mohammad Mamun Chowdhury

৳ 176 ৳200.0

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