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কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি image

কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি (Paperback)

Shamir Kumar Bishwas

TK. 700 Total: TK. 546
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কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি

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কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি (Paperback)

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In the primitive age, man used to live in informal but strong groups in order to survive against wild animals, odds and enemies. An indigenous sense of cooperation in those days wove them together in each group. In the age of ancient civilization, the invisible thread of inner bond continued to remain immanent in human mind.. With the march of civilization, people began to organize them in various groups such as social, economic, political, geographical, cultural, religious and so on, each group having its own values, manners, customs and distinct ways of life.
Cooperative society emerged mainly as a socio-economic group and achieved a lawful entity when Cooperative Act was passed and rules were made by the authorized bodies. In this subcontinent, The Cooperative Credit Societies Act, 1904 was passed by the British government in1904. To overcome the limitations of the existing laws another Act was passed in 1912 named The Cooperative Societies Act, 1912. After this again in 1940, The Bengal Cooperative Credit Societies Act, 1940 was passed and in 1942, The Bengal Cooperative Credit Societies Rules,
1942 was formulated in order to make cooperative movement more effective. This continued to prevail in independent Bangladesh until The Cooperative Societies Ordinance, 1984 and The Cooperative Societies Rules, 1987 came into being. Three more Acts were passed called The Cooperative Societies Act, 2001; The Cooperative Societies (Amendment) Act, 2002 and The Cooperative Societies Rules, 2004 in Bangla, which still exist.
Title কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি
ISBN 9789849026013
Edition 1st Published, 2013
Number of Pages 516
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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কো-অপারেটিভস: দি গোল্ডেন লিগেচি

Shamir Kumar Bishwas

৳ 546 ৳700.0

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