Vocabulary is a common crisis for the non- native speakers of English. The aim of this book is to ensure our students learning maximüm number of words within minimum time and with fewer efforts. The book 'Vocabulary for Communicative English' may be a life-long friend for the persons who all use English for the purpose of communication, creative writing and academic pursuit. A rich vocabulary is a strong foundation for constructing monumental citadel of your communicative effectiveness and artistic creation. The book has been decorated richly to meet up your life-long requirements of words in a very systematic and methodical approach. Memorization of words and using them for effective communication is a very laborious and unscientific effort. Modern scientific method of learning vocabulary has been suggested in the book classifying them in various interesting forms. A core vocabulary of about 3000 Oxford key words along with thousands of words has been furnished in the book in a systematic arrangement for easy learning of the students. An English learner of average level will find the book a constant guide to provide necessary words for clear and precise expression. The book will help you to increase your word power faster and gain a more useful vocabulary by learning words in a fairly organized and easy method.