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সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড image

সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড (Hardcover)

Manzu Islam

TK. 500 Total: TK. 350
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সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড (Hardcover)

TK. 500 TK. 350 You Save TK. 150 (30%)
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I have a hole for a mouth.
When people stare at me I often see a look of disgust, if not horror, in their eyes. Sometimes they display pity. Obviously it is not something that one can easily ignore, but I have learnt not to think much about it. I was born that way: with my lips, front half of my jaws and tongue missing. The rest of my body is well formed.
Naturally, I don't have the gift of speech but I more than make up for it by telling myself stories. Come to think of it, I have been very lucky in my life. I rarely forget anything. If people really knew me they would say: look, there goes the elephant's memory. When I see a thing, even for the briefest moment, its details never escape me.
Years later, I can see every speck of its colours as vividly as when I first laid my eyes on it. I have a similar way with sounds and smells. And once they are all caught in the web of my mind they provide me with the threads with which I can spin the stories. Who wouldn't feel lucky with such spidery gifts?
Title সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড
ISBN 9847012401279
Edition 1st Published, 2011
Number of Pages 332
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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সংস অফ আওয়ার সোয়ম্পল্যান্ড

Manzu Islam

৳ 350 ৳500.0

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