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পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস image

পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস

Prof. Islam Mohammad Hashanat

TK. 400 Total: TK. 300
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পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস

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পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস

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Product Specification & Summary

"Public Speaking and Presentation Techniques" Taken from the first part of the book:
Written by an expert in the field, this book Public Speaking and Presentation Techniques has tools you need to become a relaxed, effective and commanding public speaker. A clear, concise, step-by-step approach with dozens of inside tips, it will help readers overcome nervousness and discover their own natural style, connect with their audience with their very first words, write a speech that builds to an unforgettable conclusion, expertly blend humour and anecdotes into their talk, and use proven techniques to remember their speech.
The book would be a good handy reference book to revisit over time. It is well structured, excellently written, easy and readable - even for non-native English speakers. It concentrates on greater simplicity, clarity and accessibility. All the ideas come to life through examples from real, student and professional speeches, exploration and application exercises at the end of each chapter. The book covers most the areas of a speech process – selecting a topic to planning, outlining, audience and purpose analysis, using non-verbal and presentational aids, using humour and dealing with Q and A sessions everything. Moreover, lots of instances provided of successful presentation are praise-worthy.
Title পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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পাবলিক স্পীকিং এণ্ড প্রেজেনটেশান টেকনিকুইস

Prof. Islam Mohammad Hashanat

৳ 300 ৳400.0

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