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বেস্ট ইন্টারেস্ট অফ দি চিলড্রেন

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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বেস্ট ইন্টারেস্ট অফ দি চিলড্রেন

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Bangladesh is one of the first countries to sign and ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Since the ratification some significant strides have been made towards its implementation. However, it is a long way to attain the desired goal. In Bangladesh, laws regarding children rights and protection are not contained in one Statute rather they are present in various laws and statutes e.g. The Constitution, The Penal Code and The Children Act 1974 and various executive orders. Not punishment rather correction is the better procces for reintegration of the delinquents in the society.

Universally it is admitted that the children are the future of the nation. So due care and all sorts of arrangement should be a must for the upbringing and mental development of the children. The parents, relatives, techers, the society and the state are mainly responsible for achieving the goal. Any negligence or any deviation will entail serious bad consequence. But observing the present position it is found that big portions of the children are going astray. In view of this situation, proper action and due care from all concerned- Govt. authorities; Non Govt agencies and Community as a whole, is a crying need to bring the children in right path.

Success means learning from the past, understanding the present, planning for the future and in that backdrop the behavioural pattern of personnel should come up to the expectation of the clientele. And for that proper recruitment, due training, utmost motivation, efficient professionalism, close monitoring, pragmatic evaluation and consequent necessary follow up action has become a must to meet the challenge ahead. The sooner we are ready, better for us.
Title বেস্ট ইন্টারেস্ট অফ দি চিলড্রেন
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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বেস্ট ইন্টারেস্ট অফ দি চিলড্রেন

Dr. M Enamul Hoque

৳ 263 ৳350.0

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