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The Tale of the First Private University of Bangladesh : NSU

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The Tale of the First Private University of Bangladesh : NSU

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It's not a story told by someone just for the sake of telling s story. No, not at all. It is a story of an institution which became the first seat of higher learning in the private sector and paved the way for the growth of many such institutions at the tertiary level of education. It is undoubtedly very gratifying and rewarding for all of us, and particularly for me and my family members who had the unique honor of initiating the Private University Movement way back in 1987 and devising the original plan for this institution-North South University, the first private university of Bangladesh.
Title The Tale of the First Private University of Bangladesh : NSU
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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The Tale of the First Private University of Bangladesh : NSU

Professor Dr. S.M. Mosleh Uddin Ahmed

৳ 215 ৳250.0

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