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এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান image

এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান (Hardcover)

Dr. Abdur Rabb

TK. 350 Total: TK. 280
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এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান

চলবে ৩১ ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত

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এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান (Hardcover)

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I consider myself a very fortunate man. I have had the experience of many wide-ranging facets that life can offer. I lived 28 years of my life In Bangladesh and almost 50 years in Canada. In my early life I was one of the poorest of the poor, ploughing rice fields with a wooden plough and a pair of oxen in an Eastern land. In later life I have been blessed with the affluence of the West. I was not even expected to complete High School in my Barisal village, but I have received a Ph. D. degree from McGill which is a first-rate University of Canada, and our son graduated from three outstanding Medical Schools of North America:
McGill, UCLA and Harvard. Born and brought up in a very conservative Muslim family, I have studied and taught western Philosophy in Universities and absorbed a great deal of the liberal culture of the West. I also studied and have been attempting to practice Sufism, the tender and loving aspect of Islam. I have been fortunate enough to travel many countries of the East and the West, the North and the South. I think that all those experiences have helped me to develop a reasonably balanced understanding of life and of the universe.
Title এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান
ISBN 9789849062660
Edition 1st Published, 2014
Number of Pages 224
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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এ ভয়েজ এক্রস দি ওশান

Dr. Abdur Rabb

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