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পয়েমস অব মাসুদ খান

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Author Info: Masud Khan (b. 1959) is a poet, writer, and translator . Over the past two decades or more his poetry and essays have featured in magazines in Bangladesh, India, USA, UK, Belgium, Romania, Malaysia & Canada Masud Khan's poetry has appeared in a number of anthologies including Language for a New Century: Contemporary Poetry from the Middle East, Asia, and Beyond (Norton Anthology, New York/London); Contemporary Literary Horizon Anthology, Bucharest; and Padma Meghna Jamuna: Modern Poetry from Bangladesh by Foundation of SAARC Writers and Literature, New Delhi. He has, till date, authored four volumes of poetry: Pakhiteerthadiney (On the Day of Birds’ Pilgrimage), 1993; Nadikule Kari Baas (We Do Live by the Rivers), 2001; Saraikhana O Harano Manush (The Inn and the Missing Men),2006; and A(n)dhartama Alokrupe Tomay Ami Jani (I Know You in the Form of Darkest Light), 2011. He received the Bogra Lekhak Chakra (Bogra Writers’ Circle) Honour for Poetry in 1994. Presently a resident of Toronto, Canada, Masud Khan works as an electrical engineer.
Title পয়েমস অব মাসুদ খান
ISBN 9781291696998
Number of Pages 80
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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পয়েমস অব মাসুদ খান

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