How The Mind Works

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How The Mind Works (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Summary of the Book
In this one-of-a-kind bestseller, Steven Pinker, one of the leading cognitive scientists in the world, explains what the mind is and how it works. The book attempts to explain in surprising detail some of the mind’s least understood functions and quirks in evolutionary terms. Drawing on the theories of evolutionary psychology, Pinker discusses how the human mind evolved, and how it allows us to see, think, perceive, feel, laugh, interact, and appreciate art. He also writes about the meaning of life. Fascinating, provocative, engaging and very entertaining, How the Mind Works is an essential read for people of all ages.

About Steven Pinker
Steven Arthur Pinker is a Canadian-born American experimental psychologist, cognitive scientist, linguist and author. He is a Harvard College professor and the Johnstone Family Professor at Harvard University. He is best-known for his views on evolutionary psychology and computational theory of mind. Some of the other books authored by him include Language Learnability and Language Development, Visual Cognition, Connections and Symbols and The Best American Science and Nature Writing.
Title How The Mind Works
ISBN 9780140244915
Edition 1st Edition
Number of Pages 672
Country Abroad
Language English

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How The Mind Works

Steven Pinker

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