Diagnostic Atlas of Pediatric Imaging Chest and Mediastinum

1st Edition, 2010


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Diagnostic Atlas of Pediatric Imaging Chest and Mediastinum (Paperback)

TK. 3,870

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Product Specification & Summary

Table of Contents
* Normal Chest
* Normal Skinfold
* Manubrium Sternum Mimicking Node
* Mediastinal Node?Right
* Normal Thymus
* Hyaline Membrane Disease
* Agenesis Right Lung
* Congenital Lobar Emphysema?Left Upper Lobe and Right Middle Lobe
* Left Lung Cyst
* Congenital Cystadenoid Malformation with Duplication Cyst
* Asphyxiating Thoracic Dystrophy
* Split Sternum
* Chondrodysplasia Punctata
* Cleidocranial Dysostosis
* Neurenteric Cyst with Syrinx
* Segmental Errors of Spine and Ribs
* Esophageal Atresia
* Thoracic Kidney
* Morgagni Hernia
* Hiatus Hernia
* Osteopetrosis
* Poland Syndrome
* Sprengle?s Shoulder Left
* Dextrocardia-IHPS-Situs Inversus Totalis
* Dorsal Meningocele
* Eventration Left Dome and Gastric Valvulous
* Eventration Liver
* Arteriovenous Malformations Right Lung
* Eventration Spleen
* Obstructive Emphysema Left
* Foreign Body Left Main Bronchus
* Virtual Endoscope?Foreign Body Left Main Bronchus
* Foreign Body Right Main Bronchus
* Atrial Septal Defect Coil
* Pneumonectomy Left
* Foreign Body Right Main Bronchus and Right Lower Lobe Bronchus
* Battered Baby Syndrome
* Bilateral Over Inflation
* Air-baby
* Primary Complex
* Bronchiolitis
* Retrocardiac Collapse (RCC)
* Bronchopneumonia
* Consolidation Right Upper Lobe
* Lipoid Pneumonia
* Miliary Tuberculosis 1
* Newborn Miliary Tuberculosis
* Adult Type of Koch?s
* Eosinophilic Lung
* Atelectatic Bronchiectasis
* Tuberculoma Lung
* Miliary Tuberculosis 2
* Lung Abscess
* Mediastinal Carinal Node
* Left Axillary Node
* Rickets
* Florid Rickets
* Heavy Metal Poisoning
* Fungal Ball
* Hydatid Cyst
* Pyopneumothorax Right
* Pyopneumothorax Left
* Loculated Pyopneumothorax
* Bilateral Pneumothorax
* Tension Pneumothorax
* Minimal Pleural Fluid Right
* Retroviral Disease
* Hamartoma
* Lymphoma
* Mature Cystic Teratoma
* Primitive Neurectodermal Tumor (PNET) Left
* Neuroblastoma Secondaries
* Lung Secondaries
* Abdominothoracic Neuroblastoma
* Cystic Neuroblastoma Left
* Ewing?s Left First Rib
* Cardiomegaly
* Cardiomegaly and Anemic Changes of Bones
* Cardiomegaly with Pulmonary Congestion
* Pericardial Calcification
* Pneumopericardium
* Pneumomediastinum
* Mediastinal Cystic Hygroma
* Pseudocyst of Pancreas
* Caries Spine 1
* Caries Spine 2
* Cystic Hygroma
* Index
Title Diagnostic Atlas of Pediatric Imaging Chest and Mediastinum
ISBN 9788184488326
Edition 1st Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 118
Country India
Language English

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