Evidence-Based Health Care and Public Health

3rd Edition,2008


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Evidence-Based Health Care and Public Health (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

A guide to evidence-based decision making for healthcare, medical and nurse managers.
* New edition of a highly praised and successful book in one of the hottest areas of medicine.
* Covers the vital areas for healthcare managers - finding and appraising evidence and developing the capacity of individuals and organisations to use evidence.
* Pressure on healthcare services is growing - this book will be indispensable for managers making difficult decisions about the allocation of scarce resources.
* Exceptionally well written - highly praised by the Journal of the American Medical Association and the British Medical Journal.
* More on managerial decision making and managerial options in the face of financial pressure on resources.
* More focus on how to get better outcomes - how to improve quality rather than just how to measure quality.
* Updating throughout.
Title Evidence-Based Health Care and Public Health
ISBN 9780443101236
Edition 3rd Edition,2008
Number of Pages 426
Country India
Language English

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