Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient

3rd Edition,2007


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Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

This popular reference provides quick access to essential guidance on psychiatric patient care — all in the user- friendly format of the Practical Guide series.
* Consult up-to-date drug information in the new, comprehensive psychiatric formulary.
* Perform a complete psychiatric assessment.
* Access step-by-step guidelines on differential diagnosis, treatment, and management.
* Review the latest medical therapeutics specific to the psychiatric patient.

From delirium and Alzheimer's disease and anxiety disorders...this resource equips you to thoroughly understand and effectively address the needs of psychiatric patients in the clinical setting.

Table of Contents
1. Role of Psychiatric Factors in Medical Practice, Roger Lowell McRoberts
2. Psychiatric Interview and Database, Richard J. Goldberg
3. Medical Evaluation of Psychiatric Symptoms, Richard J. Goldberg
4. Delirium, Dementia, and Other Cognitive Disorders, Sandra A. Jacobson
5. Alzheimer's Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment, Richard J. Goldberg
6. Depression: Identification and Diagnosis, Michael A. Posternak and Mark Zimmerman
7. Antidepressants, Michael A. Posternak and Mark Zimmerman
8. Bipolar Disorder and Mood-Stabilizing Drugs, Christine J. Truman
9. Anxiety Disorders: Diagnosis and Management, Richard J. Goldberg and Donn Posner
10. Treatment of Anxiety: Medications and Therapies, Richard J. Goldberg, Donn Posner and Mark Zimmerman
11. Sleep Problems and the Use of Hypnotics, Richard P. Millman
12. Psychotic Symptoms, Schizophrenia, and Antipsychotic Agents, Moataz M. Ragheb
13. Somatoform Disorders, Colin J. Harrington
14. Behavioral Emergencies and Forensic Issues, Ali Kazim
15. Alcohol and Substance Abuse, Michael D. Stein
16. Electroconvulsive Therapy, David A. Solomon
17. Personality Disorders, Daniela A. Boerescu
18. Eating Disorders, Obesity, and Nicotine Dependence, Mark B. Elliot
19. Sexual Disorders, John P. Wincze
20. The P450 System: Drug Interactions, Richard J. Goldberg
21. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Joseph V. Penn
22. Formulary
Title Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient
ISBN 9788131217535
Edition 3rd Edition,2007
Number of Pages 608
Country India
Language English

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Practical Guide to the Care of the Psychiatric Patient

Richard J. Goldberg

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