Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry

5th Edition, 2010


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Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Thoroughly updated for its Fifth Edition, Kaplan and Sadock's Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry remains a staple for medical students on psychiatric rotations, psychiatric residents, practitioners, and mental health professionals. In an easy-to-scan outline format, this popular quick-reference handbook summarizes the etiology, epidemiology, clinical characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment of all psychiatric disorders in adults and children. Psychopharmacologic principles and prescribing methods are briefly described. The book is replete with DSM-IV-TR and other tables and includes boxed, highlighted Clinical Hints. Each chapter ends with specific page and chapter references to Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry, Ninth Edition.

Salient Features
Boxed, highlighted "Clinical Hints"
Chapter/page references to Kaplan and Sadock's Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry at end of each chapter
DSM-IV-TR compatible (includes numerous tables)

Table of Contents
1: Classification in Psychiatry
2: Psychiatric History and Mental Status
3: Psychiatric Report and Medical Record
4: Psychiatric Rating Scales
5: Laboratory Tests in Psychiatry
6: Brain Imaging in Psychiatry
7: Delirium and Dementia
8: Amnestic Disorders
9: Mental Disorders Due to a Medical Condition
10: Neuropsychiatric Aspects of HIV and AIDS
11: Alcohol, Opioids, and Other Substance-Related Illnesses
12: Schizophrenia
13: Schizophreniform, Schizoaffective, Delusional, and Other Psychotic Disorders
14: Mood Disorders
15: Anxiety Disorders
16: Somatoform Disorders, Factitious Disorders, and Malingering
17: Dissociative Disorders
18: Sexual Dysfunctions, Parap hilias, and Gender Identity Disorders
19: Eating Disorders
20: Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome
21: Sleep Disorders
22: Impulse Control Disorders
23: Psychosomatic Disorders
24: Personality Disorders
25: Suicide, Violence, and Other Psychiatric Emergencies
26: Infant, Child, and Adolescent Disorders
27: Geriatric Psychiatry
28: End of Life and Palliative Care
29: Psychotherapy
30: Psychopharmacology and Other Biological Therapies
31: Medication-Induced Movement Disorders
32: Forensic and Ethical Issues in Psychiatry
Title Pocket Handbook of Clinical Psychiatry
ISBN 9788184733990
Edition 5th Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 448
Country India
Language English

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