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Textbook of Anatomy (Volume -3) (Paperback)

by Inderbir Singh

Total: TK. 891

Textbook of Anatomy (Volume -3)

5th Edition, 2011

Textbook of Anatomy (Volume -3) (Paperback)

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TK. 891

বইটি বিদেশি প্রকাশনী বা সাপ্লাইয়ারের নিকট থেকে সংগ্রহ করে আনতে আমাদের ৩০ থেকে ৪০ কর্মদিবস সময় লেগে যেতে পারে।

Book Length


460 Pages



5th Edition




কমিয়ে দেখুন

HSC আলিমের ৪টি বোর্ড বইয়ের প্যাকেজের সাথে English Therapy'র পকেট বুক ফ্রি!


বই হাতে পেয়ে মূল্য পরিশোধের সুযোগ


৭ দিনের মধ্যে পরিবর্তনের সুযোগ

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Product Specification & Summary

Salient Features
* In the new edition, the textual matter and the formatting style have been completely revamped.
* The text has been arranged in an easy-to-understand, point-wise format. In the previous edition, the matter was arranged in form of paragraphs. With this format the author tries to simplify the difficult subject of anatomy as far as possible.
* The matter, which may be difficult to learn, has been tabulated in form of easy-to -understand tables.
* The figures have been simplified further. Now they have become self-explanatory, simple to understand reproduce during the exams.

Distinguishing Features
* The book is mainly mainly meant for undergraduate students and also helpful for postgraduates. Text is arranged in an easy-to-understand format along with well explained clinical correlations of anatomical structures.
* Through this book, the author tries to take his young reader through a journey of discovering human anatomy that is as interesting as it is informative.
* Contains numerous high quality well elucidated illustrations, which would be self-explanatory for undergraduates as well as postgraduates.
* The information given is graded into different levels for undergraduates and postgraduates, with the information meant for postgraduate and bright students being arranged in pink coloured boxes titled as ?want to know more?. This further helps simplify the text.
* Clinical matter has been arranged in the form of separate green coloured boxes titled ?Clinical Correlation?.

Table Of Contents
PART 5: Head and Neck 36. Bones and Joints of the Head and Neck
* Vertebral Column
* Atypical Cervical Vertebrae
* The Skull
* The Mandible
* The Hyoid Bone
* Joints of Head and Neck
* The Atlanto-Axial Joints
* The Atlanto-Occipital Joints

37. Scalp, Face, Parotid Region and Lacrimal Apparatus
* The Scalp
* The Face
* Muscles of the Face
* Parotid Gland
* Vessels of the Face and Parotid Region
* Lymph Nodes of Head and Neck
* Nerves of the Face

38. Temporal and Infratemporal Regions
* Temporal Region
* Infratemporal Fossa
* Muscles of Mastication
* The Temporomandibular Joint

39. Submandibular Region and Tongue
* The Submandibular Gland
* The Sublingual Gland
* Suprahyoid Muscles
* The Tongue
* Muscles of the Tongue
* Blood Vessels, Lymphatics, and Nerves of the Tongue

40. Cranial Cavity and Vertebral Canal
* The Cranial Cavity
* The Meninges
* Nerves and Arteries in the Cranial Cavity
* The Spinal Cord

41. Muscles of the Neck, Triangles of the Neck, Deep Cervical Fascia and Lymph Nodes
* Muscles of the Neck
* The Platysma
* The Sternomastoid and Trapezius
* Infrahyoid Muscles
* The Lateral Vertebral Muscles
* Anterior Vertebral Muscles (Prevertebral Muscles)
* Deep Muscles of the Back
* Triangles of the Neck
* The Posterior Triangle
* Subdivisions of the Anterior Triangle
* Suboccipital Triangle
* Deep Cervical Fascia
* Investing layer
* Pretracheal fascia
* Prevertebral fascia
* Carotid sheath
* Lymph Nodes of Head and Neck

42. Blood Vessels of Head and Neck
* Arteries
* The Common Carotid Arteries
* Internal Carotid Artery
* The External Carotid Arteries
* The Subclavian Arteries
* Veins
* The Internal Jugular Veins
* The Subclavian Veins
* The Intracranial Venous Sinuses
* Tributaries of Internal Jugular Veins in the Neck
* Other Veins of the Head and Neck

43. Nerves of the Head and Neck
* Cervical Nerves
* The Cervical Plexus and its Branches
* The Cranial Nerves
* Types of Fibres in Peripheral Nerves
* Cranial Nerve Nuclei
* The Olfactory Nerves
* The Optic Nerve
* The Oculomotor Nerve
* The Trochlear Nerve
* The Abducent Nerve
* The Trigeminal Nerve
* The Ophthalmic Nerve
* The Maxillary Nerve
* The Facial Nerve
* The Vestibulocochlear Nerve
* The Glossopharyngeal Nerve
* The Vagus Nerve
* The Accessory Nerve
* The Hypoglossal Nerve
* Cervical Part of Sympathetic Trunk

44. Orbit, Eye and Ear
* The Orbit
* Contents of the Orbit
* Muscles of the Orbit
* The Lacrimal Gland
* Nerves and Vessels of Orbit
* The Eyeball
* The Ear and Some Related Structures
* The Auricle
* External Acoustic Meatus
* The Middle Ear
* The Internal Ear

45. Oral Cavity, Nasal Cavity, Pharynx, Larynx, Trachea and Oesophagus
* The Oral Cavity and Some Related Structures
* The Oral Cavity
* The Palate
* Muscles of the Soft Palate
* The Teeth
* The Nasal Cavities and Paranasal Sinuses
* The Paranasal Sinuses
* The Pharynx
* Muscles of the Pharynx
* The Palatine Tonsils
* The Larynx
* Interior of the Larynx
* Muscles of the Larynx
* The Trachea
* The Oesophagus

46. Endocrine Glands of the Head and Neck, Carotid Sinus and Carotid Body
* The Hypophysis Cerebri
* The Pineal Body
* The Thyroid Gland
* The Parathyroid Glands
* The Carotid Sinus
* The Carotid Bodies and Paraganglia

47. Surface Marking and Radiological Anatomy of Head and Neck
* Surface Marking
* Surface Marking of Some Viscera
* Paranasal Sinuses
* Arteries
* Veins
* Intracranial Venous Sinuses
* Nerves
* Radiological Anatomy

PART 6: CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM 48. Introduction to Central Nervous System and Internal Structure of Spinal Cord
* Introduction to the Central Nervous System
* Intrnal Structure of Spinal Cord

49. Gross Anatomy of Brain
* Gross Anatomy of the Brainstem
* Preliminary Review of the Internal Structure of the Brainstem
* Gross Anatomy of the Cerebellum
* Gross Anatomy of the Cerebral Hemispheres
* An Introduction to Some Structures Within the Cerebral Hemispheres
* Important Functional areas of the Cerebral Cortex
* White Matter of Cerebral Hemispheres

50. Tracts of Spinal Cord and Brainstem; and Cerebellar Connections
* Tracts of Spinal Cord and Brainstem
* Descending Tracts Ending in the Spinal Cord
* Descending Tracts Ending in the Brainstem
* Ascending Tracts
* Connections of the Cerebellum
* Cerebellar Peduncles

51. Internal Structure of Brainstem
* The Medulla
* The Pons
* The Midbrain

52. Diencephalon, Basal Ganglia, Olfactory Region and Limbic System
* The Diencephalon
* The Thalamus
* The Hypothalamus
* The Metathalamus
* The Epithalamus
* The Subthalamic Region
* The Basal Ganglia
* The Olfactory Region and Limbic System
* The Olfactory Region
* The Olfactory Pathway
* The Limbic System

53. Internal Capsule Commissures
* The Internal Capsule
* Commissures of the Brain

54. Pathways for Special Senses
* Visual Pathway
* Pathway for Hearing
* Pathways for Taste
* Pathways for Smell

55. Ventricles of the Brain and Cerebrospinal Fluid
* The Lateral Ventricles
* The Third Ventricle
* The Fourth Ventricle
* The Cerebrospinal Fluid

56. Blood Supply of the Brain and Some Investigative Procedures for Neurological Diagnosis
* Arteries that Supply the Brain
* Arterial Supply of the Cerebral Cortex
* Arteries Supplying the Interior of the Cerebral Hemisphere
* Venous Drainage of the Brain
Title Textbook of Anatomy (Volume -3)
ISBN 9789350253830
Edition 5th Edition, 2011
Number of Pages 460
Country India
Language English

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