Biostatistics: Principles and Practice

1st Edition, 2010


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Biostatistics: Principles and Practice (Paperback)

TK. 1,260

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Product Specification & Summary

This book emphasizes the basic aspects of Biostatistics most often used in teaching and research areas of medical, nursing and allied health sciences. The book is written in a simple tone and chapters are organized in a logical order to ease the process of understanding.

Salient Features
* Application oriented chapters such as Sample Size, Applied Multivariable Regression, Survival Analysis, Epidemiology, Clinical Trials, Research Methods and Meta Analysis.
* Exemplary use of graphical and pictorial representations to describe the theoretical concepts.
* Numerous solved examples, chapter-end problems and multiple choice questions to enhance understanding of the concepts.

Table of Contents
* Chapter 1. Role of Biostatistics in Health Sciences
* Chapter 2. Summarising and Presentation of Data
* Chapter 3. Probability
* Chapter 4. Probability Distributions
* Chapter 5. Sampling Methods
* Chapter 6. Estimation
* Chapter 7. Testingof Statistical Hypotheses
* Chapter 8. Analysis Of Variance And Multi-sample Comparison
* Chapter 9. Hypothesis Testing ? Categorical Data
* Chapter 10. Non-parametric Methods
* Chapter 11. Correlation and Regression
* Chapter 12. Epidemiological Study Designs and Analysis
* Chapter 13. Clinical Trials
* Chapter 14. Diagnostic Tests
* Chapter 15. Survival Analysis
* Chapter 16. Clinical Measurements
* Chapter 17. Demographical Methods Andvital Statistics
* Chapter 18. Applied Regression Analysis and Multivariable Methods
* Chapter 19. Research Methods
* Chapter 20. Sample Size
* Chapter 21. Meta Analysis in Systematic Reviews
Title Biostatistics: Principles and Practice
ISBN 9780070151482
Edition 1st Edition, 2010
Country India
Language English

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