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সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস image

সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস

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সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস

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সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস

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Dr. Islam did M.A. in Economics from Dhaka University, M.A. in Development Economics from Williams College, USA and Ph.D. in Economics from Boston University, USA.
He had begun his professional career as a Lecturer in the Department of Economics, Dhaka University in 1962; joined the erstwhile Civil Service of Pakistan (CSP) in 1964; held a number of positions in the Governments of the then East and West Pakistan and later in the Government of Bangladesh. Dr. Islam joined the United Nations in 1982 and served in Bangkok and New York in various capacities. He retired in 2001 from the United Nations service as Director, Development Research and Policy Analysis Division of United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP), Bangkok.
He was Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission (2002 – 2005); Chairman, Board of Directors of Sonali Bank (2006) and Advisor to the Caretaker Government, Ministries of Finance and Planning (2007 – 2008).
He is presently a Visiting Professor in Brac University Business School.
He has written and published extensively on a wide range of development issues such as globalization, international trade, fiscal policy, human resources development, financing development, growth with equity, Asian financial crisis, comparative development experience of groups of countries, and issues relating to the development of Bangladesh.
He has made presentations as a resource person at international seminars or national workshops in over 25 countries.

Macroeconomics, one of the most needed subjects to be researched and understood, in the perspective of today’s world. For a country to reach her zenith from the economical views there is no other way but to find out the ways by researching macroeconomics.
Mirza Azizul Islam, one of the leading Economists of our country at present, tried to find out the implications and implementations as well influences of Macroeconomics in today’s world, especially Bangladesh.
His works, and articles moved around the normal and natural processes related to Macroeconomics. At the same time the articles showed the way towards solving tiresome problems of macroeconomics.
“Selected Macroeconomic Issues…:Theory and Practice” is a true view of a macroeconomics researcher. Everyone, specially for business students and researchers, it is a compulsory work to read and evaluate.
Title সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস
ISBN 9789849027225
Edition 1st, 2014
Number of Pages 172
Country Bangladesh
Language English

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সিলেক্টেড ম্যাক্রোইকোনোমিক্স : ইস্যুস থিওরী এন্ড প্র্যাক্টিস

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