Bioinformatics - A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins

3rd Edition, 2009


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Bioinformatics - A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Table of Contents
Foreword (Lee Hood)
Part One: Biological Databases
1. Sequence Databases (Rolf Apweiler)
2. Mapping Databases (Peter S. White and Tara C. Matise)
3. Information Retrieval from Biological Databases (Andreas D. Baxevanis)
4. Genomic Databases (Tyra G. Wolfsberg)

Part Two: Analysis At The Nucleotide Level
5. Predictive Methods Using DNA Sequences (Enrique Blanco and Roderic Guigó)
6. Predictive Methods Using RNA Sequences (David Mathews and Michael Zuker)
7. Sequence Polymorphisms (James C. Mullikin and Stephen T. Sherry)

Part Three: Analysis At The Protein Level
8. Predictive Methods Using Protein Sequences (Yanay Ofran and Burkhard Rost)
9. Protein Structure Prediction and Analysis (David Wishart)
10. Intermolecular Interactions and Biological Pathways (Gary D. Bader and Anton J. Enright)

Part Four: Inferring Relationships
11. Assessing Pairwise Sequence Similarity: BLAST and FASTA (Andreas D. Baxevanis)
12. Creation and Analysis of Protein Multiple Sequence Alignments (Geoffrey J. Barton)
13. Sequence Assembly and Finishing Methods (Nancy F. Hansen, Pamela Jacques Thomas and Gerard G. Bouffard)
14. Phylogenetic Analysis (Fiona S. L. Brinkman)
15. Computational Approaches in Comparative Genomics (Andreas D. Baxevanis)
16. Using DNA Microarrays to Assay Gene Expression (John Quackenbush)
17. Proteomics and Protein Identification (Mark R. Holmes, Kevin R. Ramkissoon and Morgan C. Giddings)

Part Five: Developing Tools
18. Using Perl to Facilitate Biological Analysis (Lincoln D. Stein)
Title Bioinformatics - A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins
ISBN 9788126521920
Edition 3rd Edition, 2009
Number of Pages 560
Country India
Language English

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Bioinformatics - A Practical Guide to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins

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