Practical Clinical Biochemistry - Methods And Interpretation

3rd Edition, 2003


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Practical Clinical Biochemistry - Methods And Interpretation (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Salient Features
* This book written in lucid and easily comprehensible language is designed to bridge the gap between clinicians and clinical laboratories.
* Throughly revised in viwe of the newer and better methods in clinical chemistry.
* Appreciable increase in the numbers of case reports with detailed explanation for the answers.
* Areas like authomation, AIDS, quality control, radio isotopes and immunology have been elaborately dealt with.

Table of Contents
* Hazards in the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory
* Specimen Collection and Preservation
* Quality Control in Clinical Laboratory
* Units and Reference Values
* Review of Analytical Chemistry
* Determination of pH
* Tests for Carbohydrates
* Precipitation Reactions for Proteins
* Colour Reactions for Proteins
* Tests for Lipids
* Gastric Juice Analysis
* Physical Examination of Urine
* Chemistry of Normal Urine
* Abnormal Constituents of Urine
* Urinary Ascorbic Acid
* Urinary Reducing Sugars
* Haemoglobin and its Derivatives
* Spectral Techniques
* Automation
* Liver Function Tests
* Cardiac Function Tests
* Kidney Function Tests
* Pancreatic Function Tests
* Thyroid Function Tests
* Tumour Markers
* Serum Total Proteins and Albumin-Globulin Ratio
* Serum Alkaline and Acid Phosphatase
* Practical Clinical Biochemistry
* Serum Aminotransferases (Transaminases)
* Serum Amylase
* Serum Bilirubin
* Blood Urea and Urea Clearance
* Serum Creatinine and Creatinine Clearance
* Serum Uric Acid
* Blood Sugar
* Glucose Tolerance Test
* Blood Lipids
* Serum Inorganic Phosphorus
* Serum Calcium
* Serum Chloride
* Cerebrospinal Fluid
* Analysis of Foodstuffs
* Chromatography
* Electrophoresis
* Flame Photometer
* Blood Gas Analyser
* Body Fluids and their Composition
* Immunology
* Isotopes in Clinical Chemistry
* Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)
* Different Panels for Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods
* Index
Title Practical Clinical Biochemistry - Methods And Interpretation
ISBN 9788180611087
Edition 3rd Edition, 2003
Number of Pages 318
Country India
Language English

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