Hematology for Students and Practitioners

6th Edition, 2010


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Hematology for Students and Practitioners (Paperback)

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Product Specification & Summary

Salient Features
* The most up-to-date concise yet exhaustive and adequately complete book of hematology for medical students and practitioners?All in color, as one sees everything through the lenses of the microscope.
* True-to-life picture quality enhances easy understanding and permanent retention of the knowledge accrued and gained.
* The charts, tables, flow diagrams, algorithms, figures (all in color) and recapitulation sections (at the end of each chapter) provide for easily assimilable understanding of hematology.
* One can find all answers to what, how, why, when and where?as related to hematology in an easily digestible format.

Table Of Contents
* History and Scope
* Blood Formation
* Red Blood Cells
* Basic Principles in Diagnosing and Treating Anemias
* Iron Deficiency, Hypochromic Anemia
* Megaloblastic, Macrocytic Anemias
* Symptomatic Anemias
* Hemolytic Anemias
* Disorders of Hemoglobin Structure and Synthesis
* Aplastic Anemia, Pancytopenia
* White Blood Cells
* Leukemias
* Paraproteinemias
* Lymphoid Tissue Tumors (Malignant Lymphomas)
* Myeloproliferative Disorders
* Platelets, Blood Coagulation and Hemostasis
* Coagulation Disorders
* Thrombosis: Clinical Features and Management
* Hypersplenism, Splenomegaly
* Bone Marrow Transplantation
* Immunodeficiency Disorders
* Bone Marrow in Non-Hemopoietic Disease
* Hemoparasites
* Practical Hematology
* Immunohematology Blood Banking
* Index
Title Hematology for Students and Practitioners
ISBN 9788184489354
Edition 6th Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 686
Country India
Language English

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