Salient Features * Clear explanation of neurological examination - often found very taxing by students. * Demonstrates how to approach common neurological presentations, such as blackouts and numbness, before moving on to a comprehensive coverage of syndromes and diseases. * Concentrates on the core curriculum which the medical student really needs to know.
Table of Contents Basic principles. * Organisation of the nervous system. * Neurological thinking. * Pathological processes in neurology.
History and examination. * History taking. * Examination - introduction. * Speech and higher function. * The eyes and visual system. * Fundoscopy. * Cranial nerves 1, 3-6. * Other cranial nerves. * Limbs:motor. * Limbs: reflexes and sensation. * Gait. * Coordination and abnormal movements.
Neurological investigation. * Neuroradiology. * Neurophysiological investigations. * Nerve conduction studies and electromyography. * Neurogenetics. * Cerebrospinal fluid and lumbar puncture. * Neurological problems. * Headache. * Blackouts and"funny do's". * Giddiness. * Intracranial pressure. * Coma and alteration of consciousness. * Confusion and delirium. * Dementia. * Disturbances of vision. * Weakness. * Numbness and sensory disturbance. * Walking difficulties and clumsiness. * Disorders of sleep.
Neurological syndromes and diseases. * Stroke. * Transient ischaemic attacks and prevention of strokes. * Subarachnoid haemorrhage. * Epilepsy I: Diagnosis. * Epilepsy II: Treatment and management. * Head injury. * Spinal cord syndromes. * Radiculopathy. * Multiple sclerosis I. * Multiple sclerosis II. * Parkinson's Disease and other akinetic rigid syndromes. * Other movement disorders. * CNS neoplasia 1: intracranial tumours. * CNS neoplasia 11:special situations. * Infections of the nervous system. * Peripheral neuropathies 1: clinical approach and investigation. * Peripheral neuropathies 11: clinical syndromes. * Common peripheral nerve lesions. * Disorders of the motor neurone. * Disorders of the neuromuscular junction. * Muscle disease. * The autonomic nervous system. * Functional disorders. * Neurology and psychiatry. * Rehabilitation. Case histories.