Essentials Of Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing

3rd Edition, 2009


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Essentials Of Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing (Paperback)

TK. 1,467

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Product Specification & Summary

"The book provides a clear and comprehensive discussion of mental disorders and psychiatric nursing. The book discusses all the important areas of psychiatric nursing with clarity. Areas such as major diagnostic classification, communication skills, various types of behaviour problems in psychiatric patients with suggestions of dealing with them, and the common treatment modalities are all very efficiently dealt with.

Targeted mainly for BSc Nursing Students, this book has been written keeping in mind the goal of preparing a well-rounded graduate nurse who can apply the knowledge and understanding of human behaviour and psychiatric disorders in the prevention of mental illness, promotion of mental health and care of the mentally ill."

Key Features
* Biological and pharmacological basis to psychiatric nursing has been dealt with in detail
* Nursing theories applied to psychiatric nursing are highlighted
* Nursing process applied to most common psychiatric illnesses is incorporated with the nursing care plan?
* Currently relevant psychosocial methods of treatment of mentally ill are explained in simple steps"

Table of Contents
1. Psychiatry and Psychiatric Nursing: A Historical Overview
2. Mental Health Care in India
3. Mental Health and Mental Illness
4. Anxiety and Mental Health
5. Theoretical Approaches to Mental Illness
6. Symptomatology
7. Common Mental Health Disorders and Classification
8. Biological Basis to Mental Health Disorders
9. Legal Issues in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing

Section II Treatment Modalities in Mental Health Care
10. Psychotropic Drugs and the Nurse
11. Physical Methods of Treatment
12. Psychological Methods of Treatment
13. Crisis Intervention
14. Ayurvedic Treatment in Mental Health Disorders

Section III Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing
15. Psychiatric Nursing: Definition, Philosophy, Principlesand Standards:
16. Nursing Theories applied in Psychiatric Nursing
17. Psychiatric Nursing Interventions
18. Nursing Process in Psychiatric Nursing
19. Interpersonal Relationship in Psychiatric Nursing

Section IV Mental Health Disorders and Related Nursing Process
20. Schizophrenia and Nursing Process
21. Depressive Mood Disorder and Nursing Process
22. Manic Disorder and Nursing Process Elated Behaviour Pattern
23. Obsessive?Complusive Disorder and Nursing Process: Ritualistic Behaviour Pattern
24. Somatic Disorder and Nursing Process Physical Symptom Pattern
25. Socially Aggressive Behaviour Disorder and Nursing Responsibilities
26. Organic Brain Syndrome and Nursing Responsibilities
27. Substance Dependancy Behaviour and Nursing Responsibilities
28. Suicidal Behaviour and Nursing Responsiblities

Section V Mental Health Care in Special Populations
29. Mental Health Care of the Aged Population
30. Mental Health Disorders in Children
31. Nursing Process in Mental Health Disorders of Children

Section VI Community Mental Health and Emergency Ca
32. Community Mental Health
33. Psychiatric First Aid Appendices
I. Mental Status Examination
II. Psychiatric Glossary
III. Diagnostic Criteria for Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR)
Title Essentials Of Psychiatry And Mental Health Nursing
ISBN 9788131221853
Edition 3rd Edition, 2009
Number of Pages 572
Country India
Language English

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