Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Students

1st Edition, 2007


৭ ডিসেম্বর থেকে আসছে বিশাল ছাড়!

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Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Students (Paperback)

TK. 495

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Product Specification & Summary

Key Features
* This Book provides a basic Principles of microbial pathogenicity, host response, sterile as well as aseptic techniques to recognise and control the spread of infections in a given setting may it be a community or a well equipped hospital.

* In order to simplify the principles of microbiology, adequate care has been taken to incorporate vital information in this textbook stressing the need for proper collection and transportation of clinical specimens for Microbiological investigations, Biological waste management, Hand hygiene and to monitor Hospital acquired infections.

* The detailed description of morphology culture characters, Biochemical reactions, Complex antigenic structure of microbes have been simplified in this book

Table of Contents
Section I General Microbiology
1.Microbiology as a Science
2.Classification and Identification of Bacteria
3.Structure of Microorganisms
4.Bacterial Nutrition and Growth
5.Bacterial Variations: Genetics vs Drug Resistance
6.Culture Media
7.Disinfection and Sterilization
8.Collection and Transportation of Specimens

Section II Immunology
9.Host-Parasite Relationship
13.Antigen-Antibody Reactions
14.Immune Response
16.Transportation Immunity

Section III Study of Infectious Diseases
17.Bacterial Infections
18.Microbial Food Poisoning
19.wound Infections
20.Urinary Tract Infections
21.Respiratory Tract Infections
22.Viral Infections
23.Parasitic Infections

Section IV Diagnosis and Prevention of Infectious Diseases
24.Identification of Infectious Agents
25.Prevention of Communicable Diseases (Infectious Diseases)
26.Hand Hygiene
Title Textbook of Microbiology for Nursing Students
ISBN 9788180615122
Edition 1st Edition, 2007
Number of Pages 192
Country India
Language English

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