Cohens Pathways Of The Pulp Expert Consult

10th Edition, 2010


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Cohens Pathways Of The Pulp Expert Consult (Hardcover)

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Product Specification & Summary

The definitive endodontics reference, Cohen?s Pathways of the Pulp is known for its comprehensive coverage of leading-edge information, materials, and techniques. It examines all aspects of endodontic care, from preparing the clinician and patient for endodontic treatment to the role the endodontist can play in the treatment of traumatic injuries and to the procedures used in the treatment of pediatric and older patients. Not only does Hargreaves and Cohen?s 10th edition add five chapters on hot new topics, it also includes online access! As an Expert Consult title, Cohen?s Pathways of the Pulp lets you search the entire contents of the book on your computer, and includes five online chapters not available in the printed text, plus videos, a searchable image collection, and more. For evidence-based endodontics research and treatment, this is your one-stop resource. Key Features

< li>A diverse and respected group of contributors includes experts such as Louis Berman, Gerald Glickman, Richard Walton, Gary Hartwell, and many more. < /li> < li>Preparation for Treatment chapter examines the issues that must be addressed before nonsurgical root canal treatment can begin, including proper infection control and occupational safety procedures for the entire health care team and treatment environment, appropriate communication with the patient (including case presentation and informed consent), premedication, effective administration of local anesthesia, a quality radiographic or digital-image survey, and thorough isolation of the treatment site. < /li> < li>Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System chapter includes a new section on preventing/treating sodium hypochlorite accidents, and also addresses the framework of root canal treatment, the technical and clinical issues surrounding cleaning and shaping, and canal preparation and cleaning techniques. < /li> < li>Records and Legal Responsibilities chapter includes legal forms and descriptions of legal processes, guidelines for record keeping, and information on HIPAA doctor-patient rights and responsibilities, so you can avoid potential legal issues, operate your practice more smoothly and professionally, and know your options in all situations. < /li> < li>The Role of Endodontics After Dental Traumatic Injuries chapter focuses on the role of the dentino-pulpal complex in the pathogenesis of disease subsequent to dentinal trauma and how treatment of this complex can contribute to favorable healing. < /li> < li>Periradicular Surgery chapter covers this predictable, cost-effective alternative to extraction and tooth replacement with a new section on three-dimensional cone beam volumetric tomography and also covers topics including indication< /li>

Table of Contents
* 1 Diagnosis
* 2 Management of Endodontic Emergencies
* 3 Diagnosis of Non-odontogenic Toothache
* 4 Case Selection and Treatment Planning
* 5 Preparation for Treatment
* 6 Armamentarium and Sterilization
* 7 Tooth Morphology and Access Cavity Preparation
* 8 Instruments, Materials, and Devices
* 9 Cleaning and Shaping of the Root Canal System
* 10 Obturation of the Cleaned and Shaped Root Canal System
* 11 Endodontic Records and Legal Responsibilities

Part 2: The Advanced Science of Endodontics
* 12 Structure and Functions of the Dentin-Pulp Complex
* 13 Pulpal Reactions to Caries and Dental Procedures
* 14 Pathobiology of the Periapex NEW!
* 15 Microbiology and Treatment of Endodontic Infections

Part 3: Related Clinical
* 16 Regenerative Endodontics NEW!
* 17 The Role of Endodontics after Dental Traumatic Injuries
* 18 Endodontic and Periodontal Interrelationships
* 19 Endodontic Pharmacology
* 20 Local Anesthesia in Endodontics
* 21 Periradicular Surgery
* 22 Restoration of the Endodontically Treated Tooth NEW!
* 23 Pediatric Endodontics: Endodontic Treatment for the Primary and Young Permanent Dentition
* 24 Effects of Age and Systemic Health on Endodontics
* 25 Non-Surgical Retreatment
* Expert Consult Chapters (online only)
* 26 Understanding and Managing the Fearful Dental Patient
* 27 The Law and Dental Technology: Focus on Endodontics
* 28 Digital Technology in Endodontic Practice
* 29 CBCT for Endodontics NEW!
Title Cohens Pathways Of The Pulp Expert Consult
ISBN 9788131226490
Edition 10th Edition, 2010
Number of Pages 1088
Country India
Language English

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Cohens Pathways Of The Pulp Expert Consult

Kenneth M. Hargreaves

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